Thursday, 15 January 2009

Happy New Year!

I've got quite a bit of writing done since New Year (didn't get much done before - best intentions and all that). Sovay is being published in Germany, so on Monday I'm going there for a week's tour and a Festival in Berlin. From there, I'm going to Athens for a British Council Fair. Foreign visits are like buses - nothing then two at once. There will be lots of other writers going, like Catherine Johnson, Keith Gray and Theresa Breslin, so it will be good to catch up with them. After that, I don't have much on, so I'll be back at my desk. If Claire is reading this, I could be tempted to go for a coffee...


claires inner world said...

Ah, splendid!
Email me at clairedotskiffingtonatgmaildotcom when you get back from your travels.
Would be lovely to meet up again..
Have a great trip.


Celia Rees said...

Hi Claire,

Sorry I didn't get back to you. Yes, it would be good to meet up. Get in touch!